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How to Utilize Your Expertise to Earn Better?

How to Utilize Your Expertise to Earn Better

by creativewriter

Not the most profitable side business, but a side business that will bring you loyal customers. If you are a spelling and grammar sniper, you can use it for your betterment. All writers, authors and bloggers, in my opinion, should hire a proofreader or an editor, suggests Brian Bonar.

Proofreader – Editor

The editor may have other attributions in addition to spelling and syntax correction, such as expertise on the meaning of a piece of writing, the logic of its structure and reviewing the strengths of a piece of writing, and rewrite recommendations.

Writing Poems

And yes, there is still a little poetry in this world! This business idea is serious, go and search the keyword ”  poetry  ” on a micro-services site like 5 dollara to realize it. You can even sell your rap lyrics, slams, and song lyrics!

Document Formatting

If you master Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and all the other software in the Office suite and its competitors in Google, OpenOffice and Apple versions, then this side-business is reaching out to you. You will also be able to specialize in certain types of formatting such as epub, mobi and other web whatnot to format documents as expected by digital readers and online library reading applications. It is essential to master the skill, suggests Brian Bonar.

Proofreading/Editing Academic Papers

From the college dissertation to the proofreading, correction, and research of bibliographic sources of university documents, there is also an unsuspected source of diverse and varied client needs.


Launching a blog is certainly not the side business that will allow you to get your first income quickly. But it’s one of the best ways to get passive income, as your SEO improves and new visitors turn into subscribers and then into customers by browsing your sales funnel, suggests Brian Bonar.

You will need:

  • Of a subject that interests an audience
  • To do keyword research
  • To have some authority on the subject
  • To produce content regularly
  • And a minimum of seo knowledge

If you want to make a living from your writing one day, blogging is a way to take action and practice your art at your own pace. And although this solution is not the fastest, there are many ways to monetize a blog:

By affiliation by inserting links to products and services that you recommend and which are related to your theme

  • By advertising via links and banners
  • By selling your products there
  • By selling your services, there
  • By posting sponsored content
  • By offering a paid member area


It is relatively easy to set up your blog, says Brian Bonar, and it will only cost you a few dollars a month to reserve a domain name and have it hosted.

The Bottom Line

There are many solutions to reserve your domain name and have your blog hosted; for my part, I use PlanetHoster, and I am satisfied with it (and yes, it is an affiliate link, you see how that works).

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